Although vasectomy reversal is the first step for men to become fathers again after vasectomy, there are further considerations for the actual ability to conceive again. Over the decades, men in the United states are becoming less fertile as a population, so this is a major area of study to discover why this trend is happening. Dr. Kavoussi went on air to discuss a study suggesting that the fast food diet may be contributing to this trend. This study evaluated nearly 3,000 men who were categorized by their dietary patterns. Men whos diet consisted of the western fast food diet including pizza, processed meat, chips, sweets, and energy drinks had a significantly lower sperm count than men who ate a diet rick in chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit, and a lot of water. The study also found that men who ate the western diet were found to have a lower inhibin-B hormone level, which is a marker for Sertoli cell function, which are the supportive cells in the testicles important for sperm production. This raised the concern about whether this adverse impact on sperm production is reversible or not. Further studies are needed to follow up on this.
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